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This file is part of Ext JS 4.2

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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * An Action is a piece of reusable functionality that can be abstracted out of any particular component so that it
 * can be usefully shared among multiple components.  Actions let you share handlers, configuration options and UI
 * updates across any components that support the Action interface (primarily {@link Ext.toolbar.Toolbar},
 * {@link Ext.button.Button} and {@link Ext.menu.Menu} components).
 * Use a single Action instance as the config object for any number of UI Components which share the same configuration. The
 * Action not only supplies the configuration, but allows all Components based upon it to have a common set of methods
 * called at once through a single call to the Action.
 * Any Component that is to be configured with an Action must also support
 * the following methods:
 * - setText(string)
 * - setIconCls(string)
 * - setDisabled(boolean)
 * - setVisible(boolean)
 * - setHandler(function)
 * This allows the Action to control its associated Components.
 * Example usage:
 *     // Define the shared Action.  Each Component below will have the same
 *     // display text and icon, and will display the same message on click.
 *     var action = new Ext.Action({
 *         {@link #text}: 'Do something',
 *         {@link #handler}: function(){
 *             Ext.Msg.alert('Click', 'You did something.');
 *         },
 *         {@link #iconCls}: 'do-something',
 *         {@link #itemId}: 'myAction'
 *     });
 *     var panel = new Ext.panel.Panel({
 *         title: 'Actions',
 *         width: 500,
 *         height: 300,
 *         tbar: [
 *             // Add the Action directly to a toolbar as a menu button
 *             action,
 *             {
 *                 text: 'Action Menu',
 *                 // Add the Action to a menu as a text item
 *                 menu: [action]
 *             }
 *         ],
 *         items: [
 *             // Add the Action to the panel body as a standard button
 *             new Ext.button.Button(action)
 *         ],
 *         renderTo: Ext.getBody()
 *     });
 *     // Change the text for all components using the Action
 *     action.setText('Something else');
 *     // Reference an Action through a container using the itemId
 *     var btn = panel.getComponent('myAction');
 *     var aRef = btn.baseAction;
 *     aRef.setText('New text');
Ext.define('Ext.Action', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    /* End Definitions */

     * @cfg {String} [text='']
     * The text to set for all components configured by this Action.
     * @cfg {String} [iconCls='']
     * The CSS class selector that specifies a background image to be used as the header icon for
     * all components configured by this Action.
     * An example of specifying a custom icon class would be something like:
     *     // specify the property in the config for the class:
     *          ...
     *          iconCls: 'do-something'
     *     // css class that specifies background image to be used as the icon image:
     *     .do-something { background-image: url(../images/my-icon.gif) 0 6px no-repeat !important; }
     * @cfg {Boolean} [disabled=false]
     * True to disable all components configured by this Action, false to enable them.
     * @cfg {Boolean} [hidden=false]
     * True to hide all components configured by this Action, false to show them.
     * @cfg {Function} handler
     * The function that will be invoked by each component tied to this Action
     * when the component's primary event is triggered.
     * @cfg {String} itemId
     * See {@link Ext.Component}.{@link Ext.Component#itemId itemId}.
     * @cfg {Object} scope
     * The scope (this reference) in which the {@link #handler} is executed.
     * Defaults to the browser window.

     * Creates new Action.
     * @param {Object} config Config object.
    constructor : function(config){
        this.initialConfig = config;
        this.itemId = config.itemId = (config.itemId || config.id || Ext.id());
        this.items = [];

     * @property {Boolean} isAction
     * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Action, or subclass thereof.
    isAction : true,

     * Sets the text to be displayed by all components configured by this Action.
     * @param {String} text The text to display
    setText : function(text){
        this.initialConfig.text = text;
        this.callEach('setText', [text]);

     * Gets the text currently displayed by all components configured by this Action.
    getText : function(){
        return this.initialConfig.text;

     * Sets the icon CSS class for all components configured by this Action.  The class should supply
     * a background image that will be used as the icon image.
     * @param {String} cls The CSS class supplying the icon image
    setIconCls : function(cls){
        this.initialConfig.iconCls = cls;
        this.callEach('setIconCls', [cls]);

     * Gets the icon CSS class currently used by all components configured by this Action.
    getIconCls : function(){
        return this.initialConfig.iconCls;

     * Sets the disabled state of all components configured by this Action.  Shortcut method
     * for {@link #enable} and {@link #disable}.
     * @param {Boolean} disabled True to disable the component, false to enable it
    setDisabled : function(v){
        this.initialConfig.disabled = v;
        this.callEach('setDisabled', [v]);

     * Enables all components configured by this Action.
    enable : function(){

     * Disables all components configured by this Action.
    disable : function(){

     * Returns true if the components using this Action are currently disabled, else returns false.
    isDisabled : function(){
        return this.initialConfig.disabled;

     * Sets the hidden state of all components configured by this Action.  Shortcut method
     * for `{@link #hide}` and `{@link #show}`.
     * @param {Boolean} hidden True to hide the component, false to show it.
    setHidden : function(v){
        this.initialConfig.hidden = v;
        this.callEach('setVisible', [!v]);

     * Shows all components configured by this Action.
    show : function(){

     * Hides all components configured by this Action.
    hide : function(){

     * Returns true if the components configured by this Action are currently hidden, else returns false.
    isHidden : function(){
        return this.initialConfig.hidden;

     * Sets the function that will be called by each Component using this action when its primary event is triggered.
     * @param {Function} fn The function that will be invoked by the action's components.  The function
     * will be called with no arguments.
     * @param {Object} scope The scope (this reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the Component
     * firing the event.
    setHandler : function(fn, scope){
        this.initialConfig.handler = fn;
        this.initialConfig.scope = scope;
        this.callEach('setHandler', [fn, scope]);

     * Executes the specified function once for each Component currently tied to this Action.  The function passed
     * in should accept a single argument that will be an object that supports the basic Action config/method interface.
     * @param {Function} fn The function to execute for each component
     * @param {Object} scope The scope (this reference) in which the function is executed.
     * Defaults to the Component.
    each : function(fn, scope){
        Ext.each(this.items, fn, scope);

    // @private
    callEach : function(fnName, args){
        var items = this.items,
            i = 0,
            len = items.length,

        for(; i < len; i++){
            item = items[i];
            item[fnName].apply(item, args);

    // @private
    addComponent : function(comp){
        comp.on('destroy', this.removeComponent, this);

    // @private
    removeComponent : function(comp){
        Ext.Array.remove(this.items, comp);

     * Executes this Action manually using the handler function specified in the original config object
     * or the handler function set with {@link #setHandler}.  Any arguments passed to this
     * function will be passed on to the handler function.
     * @param {Object...} args Variable number of arguments passed to the handler function
    execute : function(){
        this.initialConfig.handler.apply(this.initialConfig.scope || Ext.global, arguments);